Nuclear Power plants. Original image
Nuclear Power plants. Original image by Carol M Highsmith is licensed under CC-CC0 1.0

Sweden's government said Wednesday it would remove limits on the number of nuclear reactors allowed in Sweden and simplify the permit process for new reactors.

"The climate transition requires a doubling of the electricity production in the coming 20 years," Climate Minister Romina Pourmokhtari told a press conference.

She added that the government believed that new nuclear power equalling 10 conventional reactors would need to go into service in the 2030s and 2040s.

Pourmokhtari said the government was therefore moving forward with proposed legislation that would remove a ceiling of maximum 10 reactors in the country and a requirement that new reactors be built in the same locations as existing ones.

The climate minister said these limitations were "in the way of a modern view of nuclear power," adding they would also simplify the process for building new ones.

Pourmokhtari said a bill had been prepared to be considered by parliament during the autumn.

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